Top 10 New Features in Archicad 28

archicad 28 Oct 10, 2024

Archicad 28 has been officially released, and we've assembled our Top 10 Best New Features list, to help you filter through the noise and learn what's new and important!

First Thoughts: Overall Impression of Archicad 28

Since mid July, we've had the opportunity to dive into the AC28 Tech Preview, which provided early insight into the new release and features.

From my perspective, the overall impression has definitely been positive. One big new feature, one big change, and overall extremely stable. I may have experienced 1 or 2 program crashes, but that in itself is definitely a good sign of stability over multiple months of use.

Major Impact: New Global Library Initiative

Right out of the gate, it's important to be aware of the new Global Library initiative, that provides an alternative approach to the Monolith Library, and fundamentally changes the way Archicad Libraries are delivered. GRAPHISOFT describes it (the Global Library) as a new technology shift, and is not compatible for migration from previous "Numbered Parts". The AC28 Monolith library is still available, but if you dig into it you'll see it's actually still 27 library parts. So no object migration is necessary if you're coming from AC27.

If you want to use the new Global Library, you can't simply migrate your library parts, like you could in previous versions. You'd have to manually transfer the settings over, through eyedrop and inject into the new parts.

Note - Version Numbers have been dropped in Global Library!

This is important, as moving forward into the next versions, there will not be a migration process as before. For example, from version 24, to 25, to 26, to 27, each version had library parts with the number in the part name. The numbering has been dropped, as numbers have been dropped, and the parts have also been reorganized into .libpacks.

LIBPACKS, what is that?

It's an alternative to the Monolith Library, as we had before, which contained all objects in a single linked library. While the Monolith AC27 still remains and is delivered as AC28, the new LIBPACKS are built to be distributed globally to all users, making it easier for different language builds to be loaded and used across borders. This enables new content for library parts, and also standardizes how objects get distributed across the entire user base. There are specific LIPBACKS by language version, that will load the features specific to that country.

There's also a new feature that enables you to export library part default settings in JSON format, for importing back into Archicad. These default settings get saved with the template, instead of reading directly from the Library Part defaults (This is how we understand it anyway:) This opens up the door for distributing template standards across the globe, using the same LIBPACKS, just with different template defaults.

Overall Thoughts on Library Changes

While it's going to be painful for some to upgrade their previous files and templates to the new Global Library, moving forward, there will be less pain, and also much greater control of template standards and distribution.

A big improvement over the long term, and welcome change considering our timing with CB2.0!

Archicad 28 & CONTRABIM 2.0

Before we jump into the top functional improvements, let's just provide a quick note on how Archicad 28 aligns with CONTRABIM 2.0

For those within our community, and others who have been following our recent announcements, you already know that we've been building a new, ground up template we're referring to as CONTRABIM 2.0. With the major shifts happening in the AC28 with the Global Library, the timing could not have been more perfect to begin the rollout of our new template, as it includes an all new pen sets which aligns closely with the default INT Library Part settings.

It's also a great time for Archicad users, to consider leveraging the work we do at CONTRABIM to their benefit, by deploying the new 2.0 standard as part of their workflow. Something worth considering to save time, while also enhancing your capabilities into the future.

Read more on CONTRABIM 2.0 here. And of course, join us and support the mission by becoming a member!


Ok, let's dive into the Archicad 28 Top 10 Improvements!

#1 Improvement - New Keynote Tool

The new Keynote tool is a user friendly way to create lists of notes that can be organized into folders, and placed via Label tool. These keynote labels can be placed independently, or associated to elements, however the keynote content comes only from the list, and not from any model data source.

So effectively, you can combine a placed keynote, with any autotext coming from the associated element. Or place any autotext, then reference any keynote you select.

Users and Applications of Keynotes

This is quite up to the imagination of the end user. You can use Keynotes for really any function, whether traditional as originally intended, or quite out of the box. Some potential ways you can use them.

  • Finish Keynotes
  • Drawing Notes
  • General Notes
  • Association Specifications and Descriptions
  • Code References
  • Hyperlinks to Web Sources
  • Training Links
  • and any type of data list you want to maintain!

Basics of Keynotes

There are 4 types of Keynote parameters to work with.

  • Key: The abbreviated, shortest ID
  • Title: Name or Short Description
  • Description: Long Form Description (Hyperlinks can work if pasted here, including multiples with special formatting)
  • Reference: By User Preference (Hyperlinks can work if pasted here)

With the new Keynote Workflow, you can then add a Keynote Object to your layout, which gives you the option to selectively choose a folder, or filter the keynote list based on what keynotes appear on drawings placed on the same layout. Quite useful! You can also order these Alphebetically, or by the order created manually in the keynote palette.

There's options to format the table with borders and separators, and also to wrap the table to multiple columns based on a selected number of rows (including folders rows).

Another nice enhancement alongside the keynotes, is the new Text Label Frame Shapes, including a Circle, Rounded Rectangle, Pill, and Rectangle.


Hopefully these options get expanded down the road, to include all the available shapes as shown in the regular properties, but for now, it's a nice enhancement to text based labels.

Keynotes can be exported to Excel, modified and imported. There are no GUID's for this transfer process as in properties, but the Keynote itself acts as it's ID, so these cannot be modified upon re-import. It's also important to note, that you can only have one unique Key ID.


#2 Improvement - MEP Designer

As someone who values MEP design and coordination, the upgrades to the MEP Designer is my #2 improvement.

A little background here. In AC27, they rebuilt the MEP Tools, and created new MEP "Routing", versus the older MEP Routing Tool. This brought some unwelcome changes to begin with, that caused the MEP Modeling tools to not work very well in their first release. Not schedulable, difficult to add fittings, and quite glitchy.

With AC28, there are many improvements to MEP Design, which make it much easier to define system standards, and route ductwork, piping, and cable tray with greater ease than ever before. 

The ductwork and piping specifications have been greatly improved.


There's a new system browser, where you can see routes and flow rates for ductwork. (Hopefully this function gets added to piping as well)


And you can even optimize the duct size based on flow rate, which could be quite useful for validating the space needed for routing.

#3 Improvement - Roof Openings

Not much explanation needed on the roof openings, which are great to finally see! I'm not sure why it took a few versions to include the opening function for roofs, but I'm glad to see it now:)

#4 Improvement - Distance Guides


The improved distance guides are more efficient, and have improved placement methods. They work based on tool hierarchy, and depending on which layers and visible elements are turned on, the distance guides will jump to the highest available reference.

There's also a great feature enhancement, for selecting the center of doors and windows for placement reference.

#5 Improvement - Enhanced Design Options

In AC27, they introduced the Design Options workflow, which was probably the #1 new feature of that release.

In AC28, they've enhanced some of the functionality of the Design Options Palette, to include features previously located only in the Manager.

Improved palette which includes the ability to create Sets and Options directly, without having to jump to the manager tool.

#6 Improvement - Information Delivery Specification (IDS)

The IDS standard, is a file format that combines properties, classifications, and IFC mapped data. It's a single import of all 3, which makes it easier to transfer BIM data schemes. This is a new file format, and we'll discuss how to create IDS XML's in a dedicated blog.

#7 Improvement - Improved Physical Renderer

While this isn't a feature to use all the time while working, it can be a nice thing for client presentations.

We've made this available now as part of the "Presentation Mode" CONTRABIM Work Environment.


#8 Improvement - AI Visualizer

I've got to admit, I'm not a huge fan of AI VIsualization, because it is often physically incorrect, and requires little skill, but after playing around with the new AI Visualizer in the AC28 Tech Preview, I have had some fun with it.

Unfortunately, it's only available now for those who are on the Archicad Collaborate Subscription.


The best thing about the new AI Visualizer is the cloud based processing, so no high end hardware is required.

 The better you get at writing prompts, the better your outputs.

 Control the range of freedom and creativity it uses to generate the scene.

I've found, it's always very useful to have some major site lines modeled in, to control depth and provide realism to the environment.

#9 Improvement - Opening & Onboarding

The Archicad Home screen has been improved visually, and also opens and loads much faster than previous versions. There's also better previews, and links to training content and resources which are a nice welcome change to the new launch cycle!

For new users to Archicad, the built-in Tool Tips have been expanded, and enhanced across the board! You can now click through step by step instructions, and even watch videos of how to do basic modeling tasks. 

This is a great improvement for new users needing help with the entry level clicks.


#10 Improvement - Global Library

The new Global Library we already touched on earlier, as the biggest impact to the Archicad 28.

But with this change, brings the potential for much great control of how we manage Library Part defaults through our templates. It also opens up the door to more library content, delivered through language specific LIBPACKS.


Such as the Dutch window settings, not previously available to other users.

As far as template development, the CONTRABIM 2.0 development will be customized based on the Global Library.  We see the benefits of moving to this new technology, and it makes total sense to do this for the long term benefit of our users across language versions.


RECAP of Top 10 New Features

  1. Keynotes
  2. MEP Modeling
  3. Roof Openings
  4. Distance Guides
  5. Design Options
  6. IDS
  7. Physical Render
  8. AI Visualizer
  9. Opening & Tooltips
  10. Global Library


Other Notable Improvements

 Life Cycle Assessment Add-ons/Exports on the way...

 Improved Grasshopper Functions 


 Revit Add-in expected later 2024.


New Model View Option filters and Graphics.


And there are others as well as noted on the Archicad 28 New Features Guide!


I hope you enjoyed our Top 10 New Features list! We'll summarize this in a video alongside how these upgrades have been integrated with CONTRABIM 2.0 later this month!


 John, from CONTABIM


Also, one final note on the new BIMmTool Point Cloud Add-on. I left it off this list, because when I installed it, I immediately felt Archicad's 2d view slow down drastically. Once removed, it sped up right away. I'm hopeful this tool will provide some added enhancements to Point Clouds in Archicad, however I've been unable to work with it extensively to date.






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