CONTRABIM 2.0 - Into the Future!

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2024

The next generation BIM Template from CONTRABIM is in the works! (And has been for a while...)

With the recently announced close of CONTRABIM 1.0 (2016-2024), a new chapter has begun in our quest to build:

The Premiere BIM Template for Archicad Users, which delivers real products and materials through institutional best practices, to empower and inspire Designers, Engineers, Builders and Owners to deliver beautiful designs with greater efficiency.

While our core mission has not changed, our positioning and approach to building Archicad templates has evolved, and with that evolution, the desire to clear house and start with a fresh database on 2024 technology is not only natural, it's required!

This is not shocking news within the CONTRABIM Membership community, as we've been presenting and discussing the mission behind CONTRABIM 2.0 for the greater part of 2024. But for everyone else, let's dive a little deeper into what CB2.0 is all about!


To full understand why we need CB2.0, it's helpful to learn why CB1.0 must be set aside for new growth.

First off, we started CONTRABIM officially back in 2016, but some of it's roots go back even further while developing the first template.

Archicad in 2016 (v19/20) is very different from Archicad in 2024 (v27/28). To go down memory lane on versions and functionality, check this list.

But as a summary of major Archicad changes that have tremendous impact on template building, especially ones that are heavily data driven...

  • Archicad 20 - Introduced User Defined Properties for the first time. This shifted much of the editable data, away from IFC schemes to properties which report faster and had Excel editability
  • Archicad 21 - Introduced Classification Systems, and it's control over property availability.
  • Archicad 22 - Introduced Expression Based Properties, and the ability to calculate and analyze data in the model.
  • Archicad 23 - User Defined Properties for Materials
  • Archicad 24 - Integrated MEP Modeler. Not just an add-on, but built in for everyone.
  • Archicad 25 - bunch of little things...
  • Archicad 26 - Attribute Manager / Library Part Maker/ Component-Level data to IFC
  • Archicad 27 - Design Options

March 2024 Meetup Graphic

Over the years we retooled The CONTRABIM 1.0 template with each new release, but it's only after having done so, do you gain full perspective of all the changes that have occurred over time.

We of course could have continued forward with the same template, same underlying attributes including Pen Sets, Layers, Building Materials, Fills, MEP Systems, Classifications, Properties, Schedules and so on... while bolting on the new functionality that becomes available in the each new version. This approach may have been easier, but also limiting, as it doesn't take advantage of hindsight, and the ability to design the best possible template starting with everything we know here and now in 2024.

Plus, over time you come to realize which template development decisions were good ones, and which ones ultimately could be replaced by better and more standardized techniques.

As a template builder, starting a new, ground up rebuild from attributes outward is no light decision for us, or for our users. We definitely weighed the gravity of this decision, and waited until the most opportune time to make the massive shift to our core product.

And so...

With the timing of Archicad 28 and the new Global Library initiative, the stars have aligned and presented the perfect opportunity to move forward with CB2.0.

Mission Behind CB2.0

When building an Archicad template, the mission is always to provide a workflow that is easy to use, yet powerful and packed with automations that save time later on when building a project.

With CONTRABIM 1.0, we strived to deliver a template that would fit both design and construction uses. In that, I think we were successful, but we also experience growing pains as we modified the templates intentions over time to better suite the Archicad user base (primarily design focus).

With CB2.0, our mission and goals for developing the template are much clearer from the start. We've also learned some important lessons over the years, which have helped shaped some guiding principles:

Attribute Heart: Approaching every Attribute Name and Parameter with Intention, creates the opportunity for improved automation from start to finish. CB2.0 will leverage this concept to the maximum, by focusing on the information directly tied to attributes, verse relying on user inputted data downstream. This approach we believe will save users a lot of time, while also resulting in more accurate and predictable documentation, while reducing user entry errors.

Clarity in Use: The CB2.0 rollout with have training tools and user documentation built in from the start, to help end users onboard and quickly learn how the template is structured. The nature of our Attribute File, Content Files, and Project Template files enables this learning path as well, in a fun and interactive way.

Compression & Expansion: The CB2.0 template will be compressed down to make use faster and easier wherever possible (Layers, Fills, Properties, Classifications etc...), while also providing the structure for expansion. The goal is to keep everything compact and simplified, while also providing room for growth. By planning out attribute index ranges, we've created the framework to organize and reserve space for the template to grow as planned over time. End users will also have the control to compress down and remove parts of the template as well, or expand upon the system in place as desired.

Built for Harmony: For users of a template, the last thing you want to do is have to re-customize your project template files with every new upgrade. With CB2.0, we've restructured how we deliver value through our template, allowing a line to be drawn between user customized files, and template supplied files. The result, eliminates the need to re-customize project templates over and over. Harmony in Template Delivery is our goal.

Future Proofing: The future is not guaranteed for any of us, but we're approaching CB2.0 with the mindset of future proofing our systems, to make them simple to use, expandable, and up to date on what the AEC industry demands in North America and beyond. Industry research is central to our process when approaching CB2.0, and we want to make sure that research is documented and a click away for our users.

Codes and Regulations:  When approaching the CB2.0 template, we've taken an interest in trying to incorporate as many Building Code References and Industry Standards as possible, to inspire our users to take note and learn about the laws and regulations that govern our industry. It's a large industry, and we'll try to connect as many dots as possible, while relying on institutions and industry leaders to provide trusted information we'll gather together and make more accessible to our users.


Template Structure Changes

Throughout our time developing CB1.0, we utilized both an All-in-One template structure, as well as linked content and project files. For the past several versions, we've landed on a more All-in-One template file approach, to balance user simplicity, as well as support the delivery of the template with new revisions. 

CB1.0 - All-in-One Solution Characteristics

  • Placed Visual Favorites
    • In Archicad 27, we utilized the Design Options Tool to manage our placed Visual Favorites, assigned to working views plus quick access from our project layout views.
    • AC25/26 both utilized the Renovation Filters as a means for pinning elements to working views.
    • Both methods worked well for docking visual favorites and assemblies, which could quickly be copied or eye-dropped into the project.

  • All Views/Layouts/Publishers in One
    • The All-In-One approach to project navigation and workflow, meant that we generally only had 1 opportunity to design the project map, view maps, layout books, and publishers to the 4 template files we maintained (USA Residential+Commercial / INT Residential+Commercial)
    • This meant starting with a "Best Fit" type structure to stories, views and layouts, which would then have to be modified accordingly to fit the specifics of a project.
  • Integrated Detailing Workflows
    • As an All-in-One template, Standard Details are created within the same file
    • This, again can make it easy to work with on a specific project, but also more difficult to manage file size if you want a large library of standard details.

Downsides to All-in-One Template Structure

  • File Size
    • An obvious issue with All-in-One templates becomes file size.
    • The more content you add within your template file, the larger the file size gets
    • Larger file size, can also result in slower performance.
    • Large files, with lots of viewpoints, saved views, layouts and publishers, become more complex and difficult for users to understand
    • With complexity, we start to lose efficiencies.
  • One Size Does NOT Fit All
    • All-in-One templates must try to accommodate as many project sizes and styles as possible
    • This can be a difficult ask, as each project can be unique, requiring it's own customization
  • Delivery Intervals & End User Customization
    • With delivering updates to an All-in-One Template, it becomes a waiting game for end users
    • This approach requires end users have to wait to receive an updated template file, before they can start adjusting it to their needs.
    • With each newly released updated, the burden of re-customizing the template for end user needs repeats itself over and over. Not sustainable long term.

Having produced All-in-One templates for several versions of Archicad, it's given us hard lessons needed, to chart a new path forward for how to better serve our end users. And thus, the CB2.0 development process started a long time ago, in the planning and preparation for our next generation template.

CB2.0 - A Distributed Template System

The new CONTRABIM 2.0 Template structure will be distributed across 3 primary file types, which allows us to resolve the challenges faced from an All-in-one delivery method. We believe that this new distributed approach, will make the end user experience much smoother, while allowing to customize and maintain their own project template files, built on the core structure of attributes and content packages created as part of CB2.0

Attribute File

This is a new approach, that we feel will provide the opportunities to centrally store and maintain the core attributes making up CB2.0. Furthermore, it allows for attribute distribution and maintenance, through use of the attribute manager transfer abilities. Beyond that, having a single Attribute file, with all settings placed, tested, and dialed in for use, presents the opportunity to do the hard work of setting up a template, while not bloating the actual working files.

  • A Central Attribute File
    • Contains placed versions of all baseline Pen Sets, Layers, Lines, Fills, Materials, Surfaces, MEP Systems
    • These placed attributes are tested, and fine tuned for optimal graphical display and outputs.
  • Distribute Updates via Attribute Manager
    • The Central Attribute file, stores all Attributes Created for and Used within the CONTRABIM 2.0 template
    • It serves as the central location for pushing out attribute updates to other distributed files
    • Acts as a central truth for attribute #numbers, reserved #ranges, and free to customize user #ranges.
  • Onboarding and Training Focus
    • With placed visuals for each attribute type, the file itself acts as a core learning tool for end users
    • Add/Modify you Pen Sets, to quickly see the impacts throughout.

CB2.0 Pen Set - Meetup from August 2024


Content Development Files

In CB1.0, we developed our placed modeling favorites and assemblies for Architecture, Structure, MEPS, Civil/Landscape all within the working Template file. In CB2.0, we will break out disciplines and trades into Content Development Files, that are dedicated to building the favorites, assemblies, schedules, standard details, and even drawings, making them available for end users to select from and integrate into their own working project files.

  • Divided by Design Disciplines and Industry Sectors
    • A limiting part of CB1.0, was the fact that the more favorites created in the template, the larger the file became.
    • This approach of breaking our Content Development files, enables the DEEP WORK to take place, without fear of impossibly large file sizes
    • It also enables the opportunity to go deep in development with manufacturers, creating the digital content that represents the real products available in the marketplace.
  • Content Rich Packages
    • 2D/3D Catalog of Design Elements (LOD 300)
    • 2D/3D Catalog of Shop Drawing Elements (LOD 400)
    • System Assemblies
    • Standard Details
    • Manufacturer Specific Surface Catalogs
    • Schedules
    • Favorites
    • Modules
    • Export of Content, made available for users to quickly import to their Project Files

CB2.0 - Sample Material Scanning Workflow to Ultra High Quality PBR Maps - April 2024 Meetup

  • Classifications, Properties and IFC Development
    • When Attribute and inherent Parameters are not enough, Classifications and Properties will be created based on Discipline and Trade
    • This enables the development of purpose based analytics, be it Graphical Overrides, Documentation or Schedules.
    • This BIM data created will be resolved back to the core Attribute File, as well as to project template files depending on user requirements.
  • Dedicated Data Workflows to Excel
    • Utilizing our CXL Macro Enabled workbooks, we'll craft trade specific and combined excel dashboards for reporting data on multiple levels
    • End users are free to build upon, customize, and align their own business codes and standards through these simplified worfklows.
  • Dedicated Web Portal and Download Pages
    • As part of the new CB2.0 Product, end users will be able to browse training and downloads specific to each Industry Content File.
    • You won't have to get into the files themselves to take advantage of the content.
    • Simple browse, download, import or drag and drop into your Project Template files.

Project Template Files

Perhaps the biggest change to CB2.0, will be in terms of the Project Template files, and who takes control over the full development of these files. In CB1.0, the All-in-One approach required setting up the project viewpoints, saved views, drawings and layouts, and publishers to fit a wide range of users with different output requirements. CB2.0 changes this approach, by putting the development ownership on the end users themselves. Of course we'll provide training and sample template files to start with, but ultimately the end user is responsible for assembling their operational workflow and outputs. This is a huge, exciting change, for everyone!


  • Project Template Setup Training
    • With an emphasis on end user control of their own destiny, we're excited to focus on training to boost and enable a successful setup!
    • For any user, it can be difficult to jump into a full built, complex template and learn it right away, but if you build and customize your own, you'll understand it fully!
    • It's better to know exactly what is going on under the hood, so you can craft your own process and outputs, than to fully adopt one created by someone else.
    • Doing this enables users to focus more on their specific outputs required for them and their projects. Use only what you need. No non-essential fluff.
  • Import Content File Packages
    • We want end users to use our Industry Content Files as a shopping cart, for populating their own Project Template Files
    • This can be done by downloading from out CB2.0 Product Platform, where you can access packages of:
      • Favorites
      • Modules
      • Details
      • Data Sets
      • Schedules
      • and Full Packages with PLNs
    • As we develop and add new content, you'll be able to review, and selectively grab what you want to use as it becomes available!
  • Project Template Sharing
    • Because the structure of CB2.0, it will be possible to share templates between end users through our Community Platform!
    • So once you've completed a project, if you'd like to contribute to the community, you can clear and share the file for others to use.
    • Once this ball gets rolling, you'll be able to browse and download template files that best fits your next projects type, construction methods, size and outputs! 


Benefits of a Distributed File System

Hopefully you're starting to see how this CB2.0 structure is quite different from CB1.0, and there's opportunities for improvement and growth everywhere based on this new structural approach to template building. So summarize the benefits:

  • Improved Attribute Management
  • Reduced File Sizes
  • Increased File Performance
  • Better BIM Content Delivery
  • Enablement of Manufacture BIM Content
  • Increased End User Control
  • Project Template Sharing

These are just a few of the benefits of moving to the CB2.0 distributed template structure.


CB2.0 Release Journey

As you can imagine, the goals we've established for CONTRABIM 2.0 are not a small or easy in nature to build. We understand the magnitude of what we are undertaking, and we know it's an uphill climb that requires and deserves deep work, research, collaboration and long hours to setup, test, and fine tune.

That said, we also view this as a journey that is ever evolving and expanding into the future, alongside the AEC industry as new technologies and materials are introduced to the marketplace. Our mission is not a sprint to the finish line, but a pathway to learn and grow as we build CONTRABIM 2.0 for years to come. And we want to invite you on this journey with us. It has the potential to positively impact designers, builders, suppliers and owners in a way that helps evolve our industry.

But as we've been doing all 2024... we're excited to share our progress work with you along the way for learning, testing and feedback!


Archicad 28 goes live on Oct 2nd, 2024. And with that release, comes the uncertainty of what changes may have been included from the initial AC28 Tech Preview made available starting mid-July 2024. The biggest questions here surround the new GLOBAL LIBRARY .LIBPACKS, and what content within especially for USA object parts will be included. From there we'll chart course for aligning the new object libraries to our CB2.0 attributes, once and for all!

But we're well on our way into development on our foundational Attribute file, and will deliver an update to our user group shortly after AC28 is live. 

Upcoming Releases

  • October 2024 - Attribute File
  • Nov/Dec 2024 - Project Template Training Program
  • Nov/Dec/2025>>> - Content File Development


 Join and Support out Mission!

It's exciting to be working on something brand new, that is built from years of experience you can only gain from doing the hard work of building and retooling Archicad Templates.

If you want to help build CB2.0 by supporting our mission and efforts, there's no better way than joining the CONTRABIM Membership!


Thanks for checking out this article! Get in touch with us here, for questions or comments.

John, from CONTRABIM




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